I've got little beauty to boast aboutI don't make men faint or stare But there's something amazing about my diligence that you cannot find in my hair I've got a cool confidence that's brighter than my smileAnd my wisdom is better than a figure fair I pride myself on my mindSo what I'm not the belle of the ball ...I can't say i careI may not get you with this faceBut my mind will amazeI've been in such a funk lately. I'm at a very important crossroad. I've got the rest of my life dangling before me and I'm praying that I make the right decisions. It's a scary thought. Ironically, I haven't really come to grips with the fact that maybe this singing career won't happen. It's not because I don't want it, it's just I don't have the kind of support for it that I think I need. My parents don't encourage it, they don't even talk to me about it really. My friends don't encourage it much and it gets discouraging. I know I have been gifted with this. God uses me in song, but I just cannot seem to get the people around me to realize just how much it means to me.
Someone asked me yesterday if it was something I was willing to pursue and I told them "I'd give up everything to do this." I meant that. I want nothing more than to sing and play everyday...to touch people with my music. I just need support from the one's I love. I fear I"m going to end up being successful and hate every moment of it. I pray I am not.
It's funny. Who I'm planning to be and who I want to be are not the same person. Such is life.
I'm hopeful anyway.
With ♥, Semaj